Free yourself from the matrix- take the first steps towards real, true, long lasting and potent light work and the life of “Know Thyself”
This two day initiation into a true Mystery School tradition, now safeguarded and shared publically by the Modern Mystery School, will take your life, your energy, and your spiritual journey to a completely new level of joy and awareness and transformation.
Are you ready to receive the tools and activations that will help you upgrade your spiritual house and your life ten times faster?
Are you ready to learn more about yourself, the universe, and life?
Are you ready for a deeper and more expansive connection to your guides, angels, and higher self?
You are always your best teacher. The door is always open, you just have to ask for the key.
10-7 PM each day
1200 total- 400$ deposit required to reserve your spot.
Or 4 payments of 300$ to attend.