Life Activation:
The spark of Light that will ignite your path.
Life Activation
Before we work on any other session or class, this is the session we start with. What do you truly want in your life? Not mental ideas- the core, deep truth of you? This session brings in more of your divine blueprint - meaning, more access to your gifts and abilities. At the same time, it clears out blockages and things that have been stopping you from living out your life purpose. It is a bit like getting the lymph system moving so that all other healing can take place. This translates to many things, it is a different result for each person as we all have a unique life and purpose! I have seen many people let go of old habits, change their living space, their priorities, their relationships, health habits, and more.
During the session itself, you are mostly standing and sitting, fully dressed. I work around you in your energy field balancing and clearing, and direct you to sit and stand, I will put my hand on your shoulder and that's about the only touch. I will also give you some crystals to hold onto. You might feel nothing, you might feel energy moving, or anything! The session really begins when you leave and walk out the door, into your newly “activated” life!