A once in a lifetime portal to your divinity living fully in this physical life. Do you yearn to make a difference, an impact in the world? This is the way that all the greats have done so. From the oracles at Delphi and Athens, to the rock icons such as David Bowie and the Beatles, all the people, known and unknown, seen and under the radar, who have created seismic shifts in the direction of the human population and in our course of evolution, have undergone at the very least this first step of initiation to re-claim their crown and their birthright as a spiritual being.
Benefits include:
A new light body and tools to maintain and strengthen your energy field.
Ten times the light.
Four new spirit guides who will be with you working for your highest and best good.
A portal and a passageway to exit the matrix- to live in a wholly unique and joyful way.
Access to thousands and thousands of years of accumulated knowledge and traditions and the skills, knowledge, and training you need to flow with them.
Empowerment through joining a group of connected souls with a similar mission- to know themselves and in doing so, bring peace to the world.
Access to more beauty, joy, fun, and light- the essence of Life.
Skills to increase your chi or life-force flow.
A workbook to take with you that summarizes everything you have experienced over the two day intensive.
Contact with God and the Angels at a higher level!
A Guide who will be with you supporting you through this physical journey.
And countless other benefits- familial, physical, astral, the limit does not exist!
Initiation will truly take you to the next level of life, whether you believe it or not! I invite you to taste the beautiful, loving and infinite compassion of the Modern Mystery School Lineage of King Salomon. As your guide, I am committed to providing you with the best experience possible and the best tools and techniques to help you get what you desire in life!
This class happens twice a year in Vermont and almost every weekend, all over the world. It is such a gift, do not let yourself miss it!
July 20th and 21, 2019. Weekend intensive course held in beautiful Plymouth, Vermont. From 10-6 or 7 PM each day and concluding on Sunday with a special Initiation!