This is a powerful opportunity to learn how to perform several different healing modalities as well as techniques to crystal grid your home!
Alex Bynum, a senior Mystery School Guide will be handing down these beautiful techniques and connection with the Crystal Realm.
This is an all day intensive workshop.
During this class you’ll learn a number of crystal magick modalities that you can use on yourself and for clients:
Crystal Healings – Working with the energy of Mother Gaia by laying crystals on the physical body for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing
Crystal Rites — A profound healing modality that heals emotional-mental-spiritual wounds and creates good fortune in your life
Crystal Readings – Work with the crystals to access the Akashic Records instantly and accurately, and learn to give professional-quality readings for clients
Crystal Dreaming – A special technique to enhance your ability to recall your dreams
Crystal Gridding – How to create a permanent sacred home environment with crystal grids for:
1. Protection and Grounding
2. Enlightenment and Balance
3. Divine Union
4. Completion, Wholeness, Abundance & ManifestationTips – by laying crystals on the physical body for healing
If you love crystals as much as I do, this isn't a class to miss!
The pre-requisites are the Life Activation Session and Sacred Geometry 1.
Cost: $450