Crystal Healings -For many different purposes, this is a brief 20-30 minute deeply relaxing session for the body and mind. These lineage crystal healings can help with grounding, empowerment, time and space reversals, and resolving tension in the physical body and mind. This session includes a crystal rites session.
Book a Crystal Healing Session
Crystal Rites
Crystal rites are powerful chants from an ancient holy language that help us to release blockages and heal the past, present, and create a future of good fortune. These are very powerful and holy rites using the power amplified by sound and quartz crystals. This session includes a crystal healing session.
Book a Crystal Healing Session
Meridian Healing Therapy- Uses the chi channels and accupressure to release blockages in the body for physical and emotional healing. Relaxing and calming, this session involves light touch on the chi points.
Book a Meridian Healing Therapy
Tree of Life and Chakra Awakening- A stand-alone session to re-balance the flow of energies through our energetic centers- both the Sephirah of the Tree of Life or Kabballah pathways, and the better known 7 chakra system.
Book a Tree of Life and Chakra Awakening